PHP Manual

Mehdi Achour
Friedhelm Betz
Antony Dovgal
Nuno Lopes
Philip Olson
Georg Richter
Damien Seguy
Jakub Vrana
And several others

Edited by

Gabor Hojtsy


Table of Contents
Authors and Contributors
I. Getting Started
1. Introduction
2. A simple tutorial
II. Installation and Configuration
3. General Installation Considerations
4. Installation on Unix systems
5. Installation on Mac OS X
6. Installation on Windows systems
7. Installation of PECL extensions
8. Problems?
9. Runtime Configuration
III. Language Reference
10. Basic syntax
11. Types
12. Variables
13. Constants
14. Expressions
15. Operators
16. Control Structures
17. Functions
18. Classes and Objects (PHP 4)
19. Classes and Objects (PHP 5)
20. References Explained
IV. Security
21. Introduction
22. General considerations
23. Installed as CGI binary
24. Installed as an Apache module
25. Filesystem Security
26. Database Security
27. Error Reporting
28. Using Register Globals
29. User Submitted Data
30. Magic Quotes
31. Hiding PHP
32. Keeping Current
V. Features
33. HTTP authentication with PHP
34. Cookies
35. Sessions
36. Dealing with XForms
37. Handling file uploads
38. Using remote files
39. Connection handling
40. Persistent Database Connections
41. Safe Mode
42. Using PHP from the command line
VI. Function Reference
I. Apache-specific Functions
II. Advanced PHP debugger
III. Array Functions
IV. Aspell functions [deprecated]
V. BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Functions
VI. Bzip2 Compression Functions
VII. Calendar Functions
VIII. CCVS API Functions [deprecated]
IX. COM and .Net (Windows)
X. Classkit Functions
XI. Class/Object Functions
XII. ClibPDF Functions
XIII. Crack Functions
XIV. CURL, Client URL Library Functions
XV. Cybercash Payment Functions
XVI. Cyrus IMAP administration Functions
XVII. Character Type Functions
XVIII. Database (dbm-style) Abstraction Layer Functions
XIX. Date and Time Functions
XX. dBase Functions
XXI. DBM Functions [deprecated]
XXII. dbx Functions
XXIII. DB++ Functions
XXIV. Direct IO Functions
XXV. Directory Functions
XXVI. DOM Functions
XXVII. DOM XML Functions
XXVIII. .NET Functions
XXIX. Error Handling and Logging Functions
XXX. Exif Functions
XXXI. File Alteration Monitor Functions
XXXII. FrontBase Functions
XXXIII. filePro Functions
XXXIV. Filesystem Functions
XXXV. Forms Data Format Functions
XXXVI. FriBiDi Functions
XXXVII. FTP Functions
XXXVIII. Function Handling Functions
XXXIX. Gettext
XL. GMP Functions
XLI. HTTP Functions
XLII. Hyperwave Functions
XLIII. Hyperwave API Functions
XLIV. iconv Functions
XLV. Image Functions
XLVI. IMAP, POP3 and NNTP Functions
XLVII. Informix Functions
XLVIII. Firebird/InterBase Functions
XLIX. ID3 Functions
L. Ingres II Functions
LI. IRC Gateway Functions
LII. PHP / Java Integration
LIII. LDAP Functions
LIV. LZF Functions
LV. Mail Functions
LVI. mailparse Functions
LVII. Mathematical Functions
LVIII. Multibyte String Functions
LIX. MCAL Functions
LX. Mcrypt Encryption Functions
LXI. MCVE Payment Functions
LXII. Memcache Functions
LXIII. Mhash Functions
LXIV. Mimetype Functions
LXV. Microsoft SQL Server Functions
LXVI. Ming functions for Flash
LXVII. Miscellaneous Functions
LXVIII. mnoGoSearch Functions
LXIX. mSQL Functions
LXX. MySQL Functions
LXXI. Improved MySQL Extension
LXXII. Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions
LXXIII. muscat Functions
LXXIV. Network Functions
LXXV. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions
LXXVI. Lotus Notes Functions
LXXVII. NSAPI-specific Functions
LXXVIII. ODBC Functions (Unified)
LXXIX. Object Aggregation/Composition Functions
LXXX. Oracle 8 functions
LXXXI. OpenAL Audio Bindings
LXXXII. OpenSSL Functions
LXXXIII. Oracle Functions
LXXXIV. Ovrimos SQL Functions
LXXXV. Output Control Functions
LXXXVI. Object property and method call overloading
LXXXVII. Parsekit Functions
LXXXVIII. PDF functions
LXXXIX. PDO Functions
XC. Verisign Payflow Pro Functions
XCI. PHP Options&Information
XCII. POSIX Functions
XCIII. PostgreSQL Functions
XCIV. Process Control Functions
XCV. Program Execution Functions
XCVI. Printer Functions
XCVII. Pspell Functions
XCVIII. GNU Readline
XCIX. GNU Recode Functions
C. Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible)
CI. qtdom Functions
CII. Rar Functions
CIII. Regular Expression Functions (POSIX Extended)
CIV. Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC Functions
CV. SESAM Database Functions
CVI. Session Handling Functions
CVII. Shared Memory Functions
CVIII. SimpleXML functions
CIX. SOAP Functions
CX. SQLite
CXI. Shockwave Flash Functions
CXII. SNMP Functions
CXIII. Socket Functions
CXIV. Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions
CXV. Stream Functions
CXVI. String Functions
CXVII. Sybase Functions
CXVIII. TCP Wrappers Functions
CXIX. Tidy Functions
CXX. Tokenizer Functions
CXXI. URL Functions
CXXII. Variable Functions
CXXIII. vpopmail Functions
CXXIV. W32api Functions
CXXV. WDDX Functions
CXXVI. xattr Functions
CXXVII. XML Parser Functions
CXXIX. xdiff Functions
CXXX. XSL functions
CXXXI. XSLT Functions
CXXXII. YAZ Functions
CXXXIV. Zip File Functions (Read Only Access)
CXXXV. Zlib Compression Functions
43. Overview
44. Extension Possibilities
45. Source Layout
46. PHP's Automatic Build System
47. Creating Extensions
48. Using Extensions
49. Troubleshooting
50. Source Discussion
51. Accepting Arguments
52. Creating Variables
53. Duplicating Variable Contents: The Copy Constructor
54. Returning Values
55. Printing Information
56. Startup and Shutdown Functions
57. Calling User Functions
58. Initialization File Support
59. Where to Go from Here
60. Reference: Some Configuration Macros
61. API Macros
VIII. PHP API: Interfaces for extension writers
62. Streams API for PHP Extension Authors
IX. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
63. General Information
64. Mailing lists
65. Obtaining PHP
66. Database issues
67. Installation
68. Build Problems
69. Using PHP
70. PHP and HTML
71. PHP and COM
72. PHP and other languages
73. Migrating from PHP 2 to PHP 3
74. Migrating from PHP 3 to PHP 4
75. Migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5
76. Miscellaneous Questions
X. Appendixes
A. History of PHP and related projects
B. Migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5
C. Migrating from PHP 3 to PHP 4
D. Migrating from PHP/FI 2 to PHP 3
E. Debugging PHP
F. Extending PHP 3
G. Configure options
H. List of core php.ini directives
I. List of Function Aliases
J. List of Reserved Words
K. List of Resource Types
L. List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers
M. List of Available Filters
N. List of Supported Socket Transports
O. PHP type comparison tables
P. List of Parser Tokens
Q. About the manual
R. Open Publication License
S. Function Index